General information:
Year of establishment: 2003
Total Number of permanent employees:55
Number of warehouse: 3
Total storage net surface:8,000 M2.
Physical address:
Al- Wofood St. Bldg. No. 41/3 – Basrah – Iraq B.O. Box. 431 Ashar Mailing office 42001
Tel: +964 7801001298 – 7702553228
Activities of IBC can be classified as:
1-Wholesaler / distributor
Edible food
IBC is one of the Pioneer companies in the importing and distribution of palm oil, sunflower oil, blend oil, vegetable ghee, peas, sesame, rice, tomato paste, and Natural juices.
Detergent and antiseptics:
IBC is marketing mostly their brand names of Toilet soap, laundry detergents, odorants, and household detergents and antiseptics.
2-Suppliers of raw materials
We have vast expertise in the marketing of raw materials for different lines of industry (polymers, yarns and textiles, structural steel, leather tanning materials, paints & solvents, and machinery).
Our main customer are receiving their orders on contract basis (not as stockiest).
3-Exporters of Iraqi products
IBC is exporting Iraqi products to the consumers worldwide, such items can be classified as:
Agricultural products: main palm dates, cow leather (tanned or salted) sheep wool, and recycled materials.
As one of IBC targets is to provide a better quality products to consumers in southern Iraq.
For the sake of such goals, we are selecting with a potential care the types of food and other products with recorded compliance to the Iraqi and international standards.
IBC pursuing its policy to secure the fundamental pillars:
Quality of products.
Health and safety of product.